In fact, you don’t need cash to attract women. That’s a bold statement. And it’s either coming from a guy brimming with self-assuredness, or one suffering from delusion. Let’s work with the first guy. The truth is that if a woman is presented with two otherwise identical options and one is rich and the other poor, she is practically, certainly, most likely, going to choose the abundant male in the sex/relationship-related marketplace.
No romance without finance?
And why wouldn’t she? Having more money is generally seen as a plus to women. It’s a sign of success, and therefore the sign of the provider-protector male. The money man, the Odogwu, that’s the leader, the all-too-famous alpha male. Even other men bow and tremble. Yet we maintain that in reality, you don’t need a lot of money as a guy, and you definitely don’t need to be rich to get accessibility to the ladies.
Money in modern society is the ultimate appeal proxy. You don’t need a six-pack, you don’t need to be tall dark, and handsome, and you don’t need to have several little letters after your name. Money is the ultimate substitute for virtually all other male virtues it seems.
Fool me once
Yet, not all rich guys know how to attract women, or date high-value women. Quite often, guys of average means take women away from rich guys. So what exactly is the situation then? Let’s look at it this way – How are so many sensible people tricked into parting with large sums of money for all sorts of hair-brained schemes? How are internet-savvy men and women duped every year by online scammers? Let’s ask a simpler question – what is the full meaning of “con artist”? It’s the same answer to all 3 questions. Confidence. Con is simply short for confidence.
It’s a guy’s self-confidence that allows him to walk up to a high-value woman and ask her out. And that confidence is usually laced with a promise of tomorrow. There’s always something about to happen with a confident guy. Something just off the horizon. And when this picture of a better, bigger, richer you is beautifully painted, it becomes an authentic version of what life will look like with you.
Everything I do…
Second is the ability to engage a lady’s feelings. This is the real core of being appealing enough to attract women. Now one sure way to be attractive is simply to be physically attractive – a balanced face, height, a rugged jawline, and well-specified arms. Nevertheless, that’s not the only method. You can be engaging by being cocky and funny. You can be engaging by being mysterious. In fact, you can be eye-catching by being edgy and unsafe. You can be attractive by being aloof! Or. You can be incredibly attentive without being needy. This is the ultimate trick and requires incredible attention to detail, and a lot of time set aside for the venture. It’s not a recommended tactic unless you’re a true natural.
It’s the little big man
Number 3 is being a contextual Alpha. Let’s break that down. Be the alpha male within a certain context. Any context frankly. Just be the alpha! In other words, it’s better to be the most significant fish in a smaller pond than a bigger fish in a larger pond. Just don’t be an insignificant fish in that fish pond. This is how gym instructors get women. It’s how lowly musicians date higher-value women, and how the local champion at anything is also the most popular with the ladies. Be the king of your little castle and inhabit the leading function in a status power structure. Women respond to leaders. It’s an innate response outside conscious control. So use it wisely.
Let’s go over the pointers again quickly – confidence, the ability to hold a woman’s interest, and the contextual alpha male status. They are not proxies, they directly address the concern many not-rich guys have while trying to attract women. But there’s a small caveat – these wonderful attributes may not work long-term; they work extremely well for the smash-and-grab practitioner. And let’s be honest, many women, many times, simply want a fling as well. It’s a total myth that women only want long-term relationships, while men want the opposite. There are plenty of women who just intend to have a good time.
In through the backdoor
So have we just spent all this time advising guys how to trick women into quickies? No. It’s an “in”. A way to make the connection with a potential life-mate, if you don’t have the money just yet. Be ambitious, because making money is not the sole preserve of others. Be confident. Your high-value catch will help you achieve your dreams if you’re truly authentic, hardworking, and driven.
After all, the confidence you displayed in getting her, is the very same attribute you need to make money.